The second half of the painting guide is where all the good stuff happens. The focal point of the models is the face and beards, and those two areas are covered first. I did write an in depth guide to painting flesh which might be useful (I certainly referred to it)! Beards I might cover in a video tutorial at some stage in the future. For the time being, these photos will have to suffice. As before, each photo is taken at the end of a one hour session of painting.
Faces and stones on bases |
Base coating beards and candles and trim |
More work on beards, candles and gloves |
Finishing the beards and candles, matt varnished |
After eight sessions of roughly an hour each, the miners are nearly complete. I have to finish the base edges and addd a little metal highlighting. In total, around ten hours including preparation and basing. When they are photographed under decent lighting you can see if that was time well spent.
Nice work 👍
That time was definitely well spent:)
Looking great. Good take on an iconic unic.
I really like how just a little bit of green in the bases creates enough contrast to make the miners pop. Awesome work, as always!
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