A brace of dwarf gunners, hastily finished as part of Decembeard. These two are fairly muted in colour, I figure that they would spend much of their time hunting for game and would want to blend into a forest background. They are, of course, from the marauder miniatures range from around 1992, the year I started in Warhammer. I have to say I am not that keen on the strange grin of the sniper dwarf.
And with those two added to the unit I now have five gunners ready for battle. That’s enough to make a unit for games of Erehwon, which has become my favourite way to play fantasy battles, on the very rare occasion I roll dice. Hopefully they will see some action over the midwinter break.
Mmmmm fantastic as always!
Son unas miniaturas geniales, en mi opinión bastante mejores que las "actuales". La gente de Avatars of War también tienen unos gunners muy interesantes. Excelente pintado y trabajo con la pena
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