Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Chaos Marauders
A unit of 24 chaos marauders are the first completed item of the year. I started these over the xmas holiday and have been working on them each weekend since. The flesh and trousers were airbrushed over a white primer, then I painted the metals and woods, cloth, bindings, etc. After that, it was mostly glazing to add some texture. Just the banner top received a little highlighting.
This unit will be added to the black armoured chaos warriors that I completed roughly this time last year (here's a reminder). I want to build up a black armoured faction within the whole chaos army. Next in line is a character, a reward for painting the rank and file unit. I also have a really BIG reward lined up, but I want to get another unit or two completed before I start that particular treat. Of course, the real reason I painted this unit was as an excuse to include this figure in my army. He's Eric FusRoDah, a name familiar to most geeks out there! Fortunately, he has not yet taken an arrow to the knee.

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Nice job on the pale skin. It's not the regular "tanned" look you see so often.
From the Warp
They look great. I especially like your standard bearer and using the marauder horsemen heads... too bad they don't re-sculpt the current marauders to the horsemen standard!
Looks great, especially considering how fast you painted it!
I am such a child every arrow to the knee joke makes me giggle...
Great painting. Were they done in a similar speed fashion to the slayers?
Thanks for the comments guys. The painting was done in the way that I tackle most of my own figures. I prime white, paint a base coat, glaze it once or twice, then tweak any splashes. Works for me, I really dislike highlighting rank and file, there's just too many unpainted figures in my collection to spend that much time on them.
These are looking really nice for the minimal effort. Nice to see some progress on your Chaos. I wish I could gather some motivation for mine... At least I am getting some Beastmen done so there is some Wwarhammer in my life ;-)
Really like the look of these. You have me reconsidering my beastmen in favour of the Warriors... Thanks ;)
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