Sunday 4 May 2014

Marauder Horsemen

This unit of marauder horsemen has been a long time coming. They were a xmas present to myself when the chaos book was updated last version but one, so 2008. I assembled them straight away, but then distractions struck and they were put to one side - for nearly six years! I'm embarrassed to say that a unit of knights and a character bought at the same time is still only partly assembled.

For the colours I stuck with the black armour of the majority of my chaos army. The light flesh tones and blonde hair help to lift the unit a little. There's tattoos on the skin of the riders, but it's hard to pick up on these photos. I must try to get a game with these guys after such along wait, I have not played Warhammer for such a long time and really fancy a game or three.


Killshot Productions said...

I really like these!! I think your painting style would look great on the new Wood Elves.

Nord said...

Thanks. Maybe I will get to paint the new woodies one day, who knows?

Unknown said...

Could you please tell me how you did the greenish black on the armour? I've been dying to start a chaos force that looks something like your beautiful miniatures, and now I've finally gotten some models to start with.

Nord said...

Hi, it's two years since I painted these figures, pretty sure it's just black paint. There's no green on my screen. If you do want a green tint to your armour, use a glaze. Mix some paint, some water and a little matte varnish, should look like dirty water, then glaze it over your figures. Let it dry. Repeat, until you are happy with the effect. Hope that helps.

Unknown said...

Thanks, that actually does help a lot. I'm usually not a fan of painting my miniatures after someone else's, but these Marauder horsemen are THE definition of how a Chaos Undivided army should look like IMHO. Thanks again!

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