When Dreadfleet was announced I was quite surprised that my wife seemed interested. She's not really a wargamer and having tried to introduce her several times to various games, I was on the brink of giving up. When it arrived I put together a few bits and had a couple of trial games with her. It's reasonably easy to pick up the rules, very important when you play only infrequently. With a couple of house rules to cut down on the randomness of the fate deck, it could become a family fun game, joining the likes of Talisman, Cluedo and Risk as a Christmas staple.

My task is to get the components painted up. I want to get them done in a reasonable time frame, so I thought I would make a start on a cross section of ships. It's possible to get a decent finish in a shortish time scale, but the sail ships are definitely the harder subjects with all those details, even if they are etched on. My favourite so far is the skaven ship (even if I do hate them in Warhammer)!
Looks like a good start! In particular I like how the sails on the pirate ship have come out.
Interesting to hear your thoughts on the game as a fun family game. Makes me wonder about picking it up when previously I had written it off as not for me.
It's not warhammer! The rules are straight forward (to wargamers) but there is definitely a need to use tactics. It's a bit too random straight out of the box, but easy enough for experienced gamers to regulate this - basically by adjusting the fate card deck. Good fun game doable in a couple of hours - ideal family fare.
what did you specifically do re: the fate deck?
Instead of drawing one fate card per player (two per phase), we just turn one over each phase ie halve the number of fate cards used. I am also considering removing some of the more extreme cards from the deck.
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