It was my son who got me involved in Blood Bowl. He plays it over the summer holidays with a group of friends and I watched a couple of games and got interested. A couple of years ago I made a Norse team from some spare plastic marauders, played a couple of games and then put them back in the cabinet.
Recently I have played the odd game of Blood Bowl Legendary Edition on the PC, using a Norse team of course. We don't actually own a physical board so if we want to play in the real world (as opposed to the virtual world), we have to borrow a board and all the bits that go with it - the rules are freely available to download on the web. So I put on my Blue Peter thinking cap and got busy.

An old grass battle mat, a pair of scissors, a steel rule, a pencil and a couple of hours of measuring, cutting and marking lines with white paint. That's the basic recipe and technique for a homemade pitch, copying the measurements from a real board. I added a couple of touches of my own, blood stains, mud patches and even a message from the game sponsors. All I need now are the blocking dice, a range measure, and plenty of lucky rerolls!
You've got some great Turf there HH :)
The mud & blood effect has really added to the realism of the pitch. And the line markings are suitably worn.
I haven't played Blood Bowl in a scarily long time. But seeing this makes me want to lace up my iron shod boots again.
How did you get the lines on the pitch. Okay I can imagine the white lines were handy enough. Its the fine dark lines I am really wondering about! The pitch looks great.
I marked out the lines with a steel rule and blunt pencil. The pencil scores a line through the surface of the grass mat. The white lines are just painted on, the dark crosses at the intersections of the grid I marked with a felt tip pen.
If I was doing it again, I would cut a wider piece and mark out the dugouts too.
Hmmmm so I will have to try this. Especially if it is as easy as you are making out.... Somehow I doubt it is!
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