Here's a Nurgle marine I have had lying around for some time. I wanted to try out some techniques for rusted armour before I painted the chaos knights and this was the perfect subject. It's a metal model so easier to strip if things go wrong. But they seem to have gone quite right, so I will probably paint the knights in a similar way. It also encourages me to have a play with the plastic chaos marines, I have a fair number of them in the unpainted pile of plastics. I could knock out a couple of squads of these in the same time it takes to paint up one squad of orks, so it's a possible extra 40k army if ever I fancy a change of pace at painting. Definitely on the back burner at the moment as I have other things to do.
EDIT Just noticed that's my 66th post, though I guess for it to be really spooky it would have to be the 77th!
Very nice! So... how did you do paint it? A color run-through would be nice! :)
It was an experiment to mainly test some hairspray! The basic premise is to paint the metal/undercolour, then cover with hairspray, then paint over with your armour colour. Then, you can attack it with a damp brush and some of the outer coat comes off, leaving a nicely chipped armour for you to complete with rust and the like. I will cover it in more detail when I have the technique perfected, there's a couple of things I'm not happy about at the moment.
Groundbreaking stuff, I'm so trying it out :). But what do you mean with "armour color" the second time? metal - hairspray - metal again?
In the case of the marine, the armour colour is an off-white. When you dissolve the hairspray, the white goes too, leaving the metal underneath.
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