Orcs bearing the red eye have been seen wandering the furthest fringes of the Eastfold. How they managed to cross the river undetected is a mystery, but they must be stopped, driven back and destroyed. A couple of remote farms have already been pillaged and now they are making their way westward to bigger settlements. A small contingent of Rohan troops have set up defences to try to hold them back, a messenger rushing west to raise the alarm and muster reinforcements.
This was a clash we played in
Matt's dungeon using Dragon Rampant rules, which is designed for smaller games than ours, so we add a few tweaks to make it workable. When a unit fails to activate, the player turn usually ends, but we allow three failures before passing over to the opponent. This allows the ten or so units per side to be involved in most turns, turning a scrappy stop-start skirmish into something a little bit more epic.
Orcs trample crops as they press forward |
They close in on the hastily erected defences |
The bulk of the orcs push forward on the right |
Reinforcements arrive for Rohan |
The troll slaughters the archers in his path and lumbers on, orcs pouring into the gap in the defences |
Fierce fighting in the farmstead sees the brave Rohan defenders slowly pushed back |
The troll is peppered with arrows from all directions and staggers around in confusion |
Orcs torch a farm building and are then thrown into the conflagration by enraged defenders! |
Another building goes up in flames before the orcs are finally pushed back |
A most enjoyable battle, Dragon Rampant really works well in games like this. The orcs made most progress on the right flank, the troll punched through the light defences easily enough, but then was the sole target for a lot of Rohan archers. More orcs tried to follow through but were hampered by rough terrain and harassing archery. In the centre, a single unit of Rohan defenders did well to hold out for so long, finally falling back as the orc leader and his troops rushed over the barricades. With the central farm undefended, it was soon roaring in flames. On the left flank, a unit of warg riders and a couple of light orc units struggled to push back a fairly meagre force of Rohan archers. As their numbers depleted, the orcs finally lost impetus and pulled back from the attack.
Two out of five building were destroyed, so technically it was probably the forces of Rohan that won the day. But the orcs are many and slunk back into the marshlands, no doubt planning to return and wreak havoc again another day. It might be interesting to fight the next battle using a different ruleset, to see how they compare, maybe Erehwon or perhaps Saga. It would certainly be interesting to continue the tale.
Coming Soon? The Orcs Strike Back |
Looks amazing!
That's looking awesome~!
The farm is being rebuilt and a force of riders sent to see off the invaders👍
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