And that's my rather flimsy excuse to launch Beardecember. You might have noticed that hobby activity on the blog has been a little bit sparse of late. In the past three months I have painted seven undead figures and a hobbit. That's not sparse, that's pathetic! So I hearby solemnly pledge that I will do better in this month of Beardecember and paint more than seven figures.
Anything with a beard is a potential target for my brushes. Dwarfs spring to mind, maybe some vikings, possibly even stalwart warriors of Rohan. If it sprouts hair on the chin area, it's fair game. While I ponder on which beard to tackle first, here's a rather nice selection for inspiration.
Beardecember... Love it!
Some dwarf action would ace!
Just put the finishing touches to the first beard. Coming soon.....
You have great taste in beard inspiration.
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