The rust on the guns and armour is a wash using MIG pigments, heavily diluted with water. I have used an earth colour and standard rust. The yellow paint starts as Coat D'arms leather brown stippled on with an old brush - despite the name this is actually more of a yellow colour. Then a second stippling with some horse roan added, finally scratches picked out quite carefully with boltgun metal. The whole area is then washed with Citadel washes, sepia and mud.
Pick out any remaining details that you feel are necessary. The teeth and nails are a good candidate for a quick highlight with horse roan. Similarly, tidy up any areas of fur with a quick highlight with horse roan.
I painted some Orks with your guide... What do you think? Warhammer 40k Orks My plan is to paint whole army...
Bases are somewhat difficult to get right... Any tips to improve?
I like em! They look dirty and grimy and 'ard, like orks should. More importantly, do you like them?
Bases I have kept very bland, I am not a huge fan of overly elaborate basing. They look fine to me.
Yes I kinda like them. Something small is missing and I can't figure out what that is. More details or more "grim"?
My version is much more generic than yours... Maybe I need few more tests before going full steam
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