I originally bought them in this 2x2 configuration because I thought most of the time I would be playing with either 4 or 8 figures to suit Saga gaming, or 12 figures to suit Dragon Rampant. Now that I know they work, I have ordered some more, but at size 3x2.
When loaded up with figures they look rather nice. I should really stick with one basing style across all my armies, then I could use one set of trays for multiple forces. However, I do like to change the bases for each project - the dwarfs have a rocky, mountainous look for example.
The hold of the magnets on the coins is really strong. I can hold these upside down and they hold fast, even the metal figure in the centre. Though not too strong so it's impossible to remove them from the tray! So I can pop them out for skirmish games, or leave them ranked up when required.
A couple of close ups, I was pretty pleased with the way these turned out. Must get back to the dwarfs some time.....
Looking awesome!
Looks amazing, as usual!
They look great! Thanks for the detail on the trays and bases - I want to use my future Dark Age miniatures collection for Saga as well as WAB or Swordpoint, so it was useful to see the gubbins.
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