Sunday, 1 November 2020

The Grymwatch

Wanting something small in number to paint up for ebay, I bought myself a few boxes from the Warhammer Underworlds series. Don't ask me what the game is like, there are cards in each box which are used pokemon/magic style, other than that I know nothing. The models look nice to paint which is why I bought them. The first set completed, which I should have posted yesterday for Halloween, is the Grymwatch.

These are effectively a handful of ghouls and some bats, and they would slot nicely into Undead collections. I went with a pale sickly pallor for the skin, dank and greasy long hair and a few splashes of gore here and there. The bases are illuminated by an eerie glow, which is just a wash of a blue/turquoise shade. Nice and quick to paint.

I find myself drawn to smaller groups of models, my patience to paint regiments has pretty much evaporated over the summer. So my personal work has been reduced to small bursts of activity on small numbers of models. Over the past three months I have painted three vikings, three dwarfs and one orc. That's the lowest level of productivity I can remember since starting the blog over ten years ago. The times they are a changing?


  1. I really like the colour of the bones - they look gnawed clean but have nice shadows where they meet other materials.

    There are lows and highs in my output as well - I guess that's just the way of things...

  2. The color choices you made for this band are great, the subtlety between tones I think serves to contrast the unsubtle subject matter of the models themselves. Nice work.

  3. Nice stuff they are certainly ‘undead’ and characterful figures 👍

  4. Cool! The shading of butcher's and Talon's faces look particularly interesting.

  5. Please can you make a tuto?
