Some time ago, I came back from a holiday on the coast, full of ideas about a High Elf army. It was originally to be themed around the realm of Yvresse, but then I expanded my thinking and decided on a coastal army in general. I got as far as painting one unit and assembling another, then put it to one side for a couple of months while I worked on another project. Six years later......
It's time to resurrect the project. Instead of Yvresse I have moved my thinking northward a little, to Cothique, to really hammer home the nautical theme. What to do with the remnants of the original project? One unit of metal archers, on square bases, which I have photographed again for posterity before I transport them to their new homeland. Ranked up they are a bit cramped, and the metal figures seem to clank together a little, never a good thing. In keeping with my current ethos, I will rebase them on to two pence coins, perfect for storing and playing the skirmish games I like. If they are ever needed for mass battles, it's a simple task to put them on a magnetic sheet to group them together, for relaxed gamers like myself.
When I examined them close up, I discovered I had not painted a few details. Eyes, jewels and various other bits that are not really seen on the battlefield, only in photos that magnify the figure to screen size. I will definitely add some colour to the clothing and maybe dot in these details too. It should be a quick job to get this first unit ready for battle.
Personally I'd say don't rebase them! they look great ranked up. They can be slightly tricky to avoid the clanking but it can be done, I've done a unit of 20 of these on 20mm squares and they're fine. Look forward to seeing more of your high elves, I'm currently painting 12 of the reavers from this generation of models.
ReplyDeleteGreat colors! Love the bases as well and wouldn't change them if I were you.
ReplyDeleteCould you please tell me what did you use as plants?