Wednesday 11 March 2020

Goblin sketch

For the past couple of months I have been practising sketching, not quite every day, but fairly frequently. I have tried a number of mediums, but I am gravitating to simple pencil work, inked, or maybe using markers. At the moment I am simply copying/simplifying other artists' work, it's the easiest way to learn technique.

This is a sketch of a goblin I am pretty pleased with. It's a goblin to me at any rate, when I found out the source it may be that it's some other creature. The original was an illustration by Alan Langford from Ian Livingstone's Island of the Lizard King, a fighting fantasy book published in 1984 (thanks to Joe Kelly on the Middlehammer facebook page for this info). I have included the original below for reference, hopefully this does not breach any copyright. My version is simpler and not as polished, but I like it and wanted to show it off! I find sketching is a nice way to wind down in the evening, and results come much quicker than painting miniatures.

More goblins (of the more traditional sculpted and painted variety) to come soon, I seem to be a little bit obsessed with the creatures at the moment. Here's the original sketch I mentioned.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work, will catch up soon you missed a very wet February 👍
