Monday, 24 June 2019

A trio of Victrix Vikings painted

I finally managed to get some paint on to the Victrix vikings. They paint up really nicely, the details are nice and sharp. Just three armoured figures to start with as a tester. The shields are a mix of transfers and free hand. I will be moving on to some unarmoured figures, hopefully in the near future.

I have decided to try my luck with these on ebay, if you are interested then here's a link to my auctions.


  1. Those are great. I bought a single sprue off E-Bay and it arrived this week. When I have time I'm going to see how well the sprues from Warlord, Gripping Beast and Victrix interchange. Maybe even add some orc heads to see how they proxy with my Lord of the Rings figures.

  2. Simply Superb. Puts my first effort to shame.

  3. Selling already ! Shame....lovely figures very like the Gripping Beast Viking’s I think


  4. Fantastic work on these. You're making it harder and harder not to pick some of these up!

  5. Beautiful minis and perfect painting!

  6. Thanks guys. They are really good minis, my only gripe is there's 60 of the beggars, would have preferred a smaller option for us skirmish gamers. But hey, now I have plenty to sell on ebay and make more money for more minis :)

  7. They look sensational! Lovey sculpts and beautifully painted too.

  8. Hello,

    Excellent paintjob !!!

