Friday, 1 March 2019

March of the Goblins

Goblins have been a part of my wargaming history since the beginning. From my first few tentative games of Talisman and Heroquest, to full blown battles of Warhammer, they have always been around, as grunts to be killed, enemy to be defeated. When I bought my first set of Warhammer Fantasy Battle it contained dozens of single pose goblins, none of which interested me as a collecting or painting project. Years later I painted the night goblins of the Skull Pass boxset, more to provide cannon fodder for my dwarfs than anything. They have always been second best, on the periphery of my collection.

But that is about to change. Last year I spent a good deal of time reminiscing about those early days. I started to collect a few models from 1992, the first year of my personal involvement in Warhammer. They are not easy to come by - you might be lucky and find a few on various groups or ebay, but prices can be very expensive - my rose tinted specs have not blinded me enough to pay some of the ridiculous levels asked by some sellers. And then I found another way.

Knightmare Games have a range of metal goblins sculpted by Kev Adams, the sculptor of much of the early 90's goblins for Games Worshop. They should fit perfectly with the few figures I already have in my collection. At around three euros a figure they are still not a cheap option, and would be eye wateringly expensive if I was trying to collect the big regiments required by the old games. But I am building a force to use in Erehwon, and maybe Saga, so it's much easier on the wallet. I can buy about fifty or so figures and that's enough for a complete force, not a couple of regiments. So that's what I am doing. I have put in my first order and await delivery with keen anticipation.

And so begins the March of the Goblins.


  1. You should look up Goblin Lee's blog it has some lovely old school gobbo's

  2. Goblins are great you just need loads and loads of them 😀

  3. About 50 will be fine for Saga and Erehwon, so that's not too many.
