Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Dwarfs of Oakenheim

The dwarfs of Oakenheim have been roused from their winter slumber. Rangers patrolling the borders have reported worrying numbers of goblins gathering, not to mention rumours from the north of invading barbarians. Patrols have been doubled, plans have been made, reinforcements are on the way. In the meantime, the dwarfs of Oakenheim must rely on their resolve and their armour, to repel the interlopers as best they can.

As I mentioned in my last post, I am returning to the bearded ones. Not just painting them, but also some gaming. I have really missed fantasy wargaming in my hobby life. Warhammer was the start of everything for me and it gave me many, many years of pleasure, from playing with unpainted figures on the dining table with my brothers, to full on tournament battles. When the game met the sad fate it did, I had already drifted from it a little, but it was still a sad time to see the glory days ended. Since then I have enjoyed many a game system from varying periods and genres, but recently I have been reminiscing back to the old days. I have been plodding along, building up this dwarf force and an Undead collection, anticipating the release of the fantasy version of Saga some time this year. And then, out of the blue, almost from Nowhere, another option has become available. More on that soon.........


  1. Fantastic looking army....and not a single garden gnome sized AOS mega monster in sight...thank god !

  2. One of the most beautiful Dwarfs I ever seen!

  3. Wonderfully painted army, sir !
    It's a great pleasure to see those dwarves, and I hope to see more of them soon.

  4. Thanks guys, I am really happy with the dwarfs and have more to come. I also want to collect and paint some suitable arch enemies for them to fight!

  5. Absolutely stunning Dwarves! I look forward to seeing the undead. Hopefully, the new option is Warlords of Erehwon because it’s that book that’s prompted me to scour eBay for more Orcs to round out the 30 or so that I’d collected for WHQ. I’m also eyeing the short folk as well:)
