Wednesday 23 January 2019

Dwarf Warriors

These are the first of the January tidying up projects, things started last year which I want to complete before moving on to pastures new. In fact, some of these dwarf warriors were actually built back in 2016, all the more reason to finish them rather than put them aside. Six dwarfs, intended to be the standard warriors of Oakenheim. Some are old metals, some are characters, some are built from plastic bits.

The standard bearer was originally sold as a runesmith, but I added a plastic bit to the top of the staff to make it more banner like. The drummer was the musician of the original metal longbeard unit. The feathers in his helmet are meant to be black, though they have turned out grey, as black feathers from ravens are very common in the dwarf mountainous realms.

Two standard warriors, originally sold by Marauder Miniatures, back in the early 1990's. The helmet of the left one was slightly adjusted, I removed a ruff of feathers. The shield is a plastic one from the current ironbreakers set. I painted their beards grey as they are old models, but that might have been a mistake as they look very bland. I might have to give them a dose of Grecian2000 next time I paint dwarfs.

Another old metal figure here on the right, he was originally the anvil guard from the Anvil of Doom set from 1992(ish). The figure on the left is built from plastic bits - miners and longbeards mostly.

I had intended to get together a unit of twelve warriors, in two halves, with one eye on Dragon Rampant. However, I have now decided to develop this army more as a Saga project, so units of eight are called for. Two more doughty warriors required, not sure when I will get those completed.


  1. You really capture your intended feel with the subtle colors. There's a sense of cold morning air and northern light.

  2. Lovely work with fantastic subdued colours...quick question,do you paint the shields separate or attach to the model and paint all together in one go ?

  3. Thanks all, very kind comments. I painted these with shields attached, sometimes I will keep them separate, depends on the detail being covered and how important I think it is. In general, if you can't see it, don't worry about it.

  4. A great, subdued color palette. Dwarves look very good.
