Wednesday 15 August 2018

Lord of the Old Forest

Hobbying has taken a back seat recently to summer activities. Apart from an hour last weekend, it's been almost a whole month with nothing painted. However, as I had the camera out to photograph a commission piece, I thought I would dig something out of the glass cabinet.

This is an old metal Beastmen figure, I think it was a unit champion back in the day. I added the plastic antlers and the (probably very impracticable) flail to the weapon handle. It was painted purely for fun, there's no army for him to lead (yet....).

At the time I think I was experimenting with monotone palettes. It certainly is that! If I was painting it today I would make the skin paler and the armour darker.  I have always liked this simple conversion, maybe I should repaint it at some time, make it a bit less mono, a bit more toned.


  1. Excellent looking beastmen! Horns are great idea.

  2. Nothing better than a realistic looking miniature. I love this one. He is one of my favorite beastman sculpts and I love how you have painted him.

  3. This looks great. Don't repaint it. The monochrome palette gives it an earthy, foresty look that fits perfectly with the name.

  4. Wow, thanks guys, now I am unsure about repainting him!
