Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Skaven Warlord

This is Skaven Warlord Spinetail, from Games Workshop of course. I wanted to paint a metal model and was pleased to see that some of the range is still available online.

He is a birthday present for my brother. Years ago, it was with my two brothers that I first started playing Warhammer. We started with fourth edition, plastic elves and goblins, but then we all developed our own favourites. My brother collected quite a few orcs and goblins, and a number of skaven. It's hard to track down the older models, which would have been nice I guess, though I think this sculpt is a real beauty. In twenty years time this will be a sought after classic!

As neither of us really game that much these days, I built the figure on a little display base. This is a piece of oak timber given to me by a neighbour, cut down to size and sanded. Originally it was varnished so that the grain was showing, but it didn't really suit the figure, so now it's painted. It's been a nice change of pace to the usual regiments I paint.