Monday, 12 February 2018

Stone troll

A Stone Troll, from the days of yore. I have recently started to collect greenskins from 1992, the year I started playing Warhammer Fantasy Battle. I got a bit nostalgic over the Christmas period when I re-discovered all my old White Dwarf magazines in the loft with the xmas decorations. Then I discovered the Middlehammer group on facebook, and it escalated quite quickly from there! Now I have about a dozen each of the orcs and goblins, plus a few other models. I couldn't resist picking this model up too and started to paint it up just as soon as the old paintwork had been stripped away.

I was torn between painting it in the old school style or giving it my own interpretation. It started as grey skinned and evolved from there. It was a real blast to paint, pretty easy too being so large. It was mostly glazing and shading up from white as I usually do, with lots of areas roughly stippled for speedy progress. The bulging eye I never really liked, so I painted it as blind to divert attention to other areas.

There are more pictures on my facebook page, more angles to view.


  1. The more realistic paint job better suits the model- personally, I was never a fan of the cartoony style that GW adopted at the time.

  2. This is fantastic. I love the realistic look. I also love that the wooden handle of the axe isn't brown. I'm going to try and see if I can replicate it.

  3. Excellent brushwork! I am also not a fan of bright green skin on the gobbos, instead going for a darker olive green.

  4. Very nice if you need it I have a large spray tin of lurid green paint !
