Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Dwarf Warriors

After racing through the Oathmark goblins, I was keen to keep the momentum going. I wanted to speed paint more, but different models. Out of the drawer popped these dwarfs - I had assembled and primed them at the start of last year then done nothing with them. It was time to put that right. As with the dwarf rangers that were painted (shockingly) more than three years ago, I wanted to give them a Highland Warrior vibe, so leather armour and tartan robes was uppermost in my mind.

These are plastic dwarf warriors from the old Lord of the Rings range. I was never that sure about the figures in the past, but they paint up easily and look good in regiments like this. I was lucky enough to get some of the old metal command groups too, which I will be adding at a later stage. In fact, there's a lot more to add to this army, but I wanted to try my hand at basic warriors before moving on to the more exotic troops (if dwarfs can ever be considered exotic). Plenty more beards to come.......

And now a couple of comparison shots, one with their comrades in arms, and one with their foes.


  1. You’ve made them look superb! My box of Oathmark Goblins arrived today - I think I’ll use them as Hobgoblins for D&D.

  2. They are nice I could even collect dwarves ! Great looking tartan way beyond me 😀

  3. Really great work, impressive use of muted colours.

  4. Thank you guys. And strangely Ben, I have been looking back at this post in the last couple of days because I want to start more work on this little army. Stay tuned :)
