Thursday, 17 August 2017

X !

I was flicking through some of the older posts in the blog, looking for something from days gone by, when I suddenly realised that I have been writing this nonsense for ten years! A little bit more in fact, as I started blogging in June 2008. A little celebration is surely in order, so help yourself to a slice of cake.

I will be marking the occasion by trawling back and showcasing some of my hobby highlights from the last decade. I will get the first of these celebrations on the blog over the weekend.


  1. Congratulations! I'm still working my way through your back log and am currently in May 2015 - I like to take my time over blogs with high quality content, like yours. Here's to another 10 years!

  2. Thanks guys. I have also noticed that some old images are no longer available due to a change in the way photobucket works, so I will be making repairs to that as well. Looks like I will be spending quite some time on the good old days!
