Friday, 23 June 2017

The Butcher

The Butcher of StoneGrave Moor. You probably recognise this as an ogre kingdoms butcher, at least that was it's title when I bought it years ago. I swapped the head for a plastic one, think it came from the leadbelchers set. I also added a little greenstuff here and there to hide joins. Then it sat in the cabinet for years - I originally had intended using three as Nurgle ogres but never got round to the other two. Now that I am painting an Undead force, I thought it was the ideal model to lead a pack of ghouls. Yes, I may well have played Castlevania at some time in the past.

I am currently working on twenty-four zombies for the force, a task that is testing my resolve to the limit. Any excuse (like writing a blog post) to not pick up the brushes I am jumping at. I can happily paint commission regiments of twice this size, but am very impatient with my own figures at the moment.


  1. Wow, what a wonderfully disgusting miniature! Fabulous work Sir.

  2. Yeah, nice one!

    Although when I saw the title I was kinda hoping to see something resembling good old Diablo 1 evildoer... =;)

  3. The lipped base choice is throwing me through a loop, but that's just a personal OCD thing. The miniature it self is beautiful! I appreciate the head swap & think he looks pretty great at the front of those ghoul orks! Awesome work.
