Saturday, 22 April 2017

Viking archers

It's good to finally have these painted and crossed off the list. I started them in the first week of the year, then got distracted by many other projects before finally knuckling down to get the job done. I find historical figures particularly challenging to paint as generally they are not as inspiring as my fantasy collection, though these archers are better than most available.

These are Drabant Miniatures metal figures - two sets of viking archers and one set of Saxon archers. Mixing enemies together in a unit like this is the best I can manage with the limited number of figures available - maybe the Saxons have turned traitor or been captured and are now slaves. From a distance they don't look too obvious. In games of Lion Rampant missile units tend to be smaller skirmish units, so two units of six.


  1. Very nice looking miniatures, excellent painting - both striking and subduead, if it is possible at all.

  2. Thank you gents, your feedback is much appreciated.

  3. Looking nice now they are finished up 😀

  4. Always nice to have some good archers...and these ones are beautiful!
