Friday, 23 September 2016

Dwarf Warriors WIP

Last week while holidaying in the wonderful city of York, I made a start on building my own version of dwarf warriors. The official plastic versions I have never really liked that much, so I thought I would kitbash my own. These are a mix of three versions of plastics. You have to imagine the front rank holding up their shields. The eagle eyed will have noticed that the two central dwarfs are hollow - I still need a little green stuff under their beards to fill the gap. I am reasonably happy with them, though it's hard to get much variation in the posing.


  1. Look good. Comprised of mostly Iron Breakers with bitz from the 6th edition plastics?

    Dwarfs are one of my "reserve armies" meaning that they lay in wait unbuilt from the early 00's. Some day their turn will come.

  2. They do look like they are down a mine 😀
