Friday 1 April 2016

A Foolish Thing

Today seems like a good day to talk about a foolish thing. Over the winter period I went through a lull in painting and gaming, but I didn't abandon the hobby completely. One of my xmas gifts was a copy of Fanticide, a fantasy skirmish set of rules. There's a few things I like about the book, but the background is not really one them. So I started dreaming up my own armies to slot into the world, then had the really foolish idea of creating my own world and background. One thing lead to another and I ended up drawing this map.

You might be thinking, "well that's not that foolish, I have drawn dozens of maps for campaigns and ideas of my own". But this was drawn in GIMP, a drawing package, of which I had zero experience. In fact, I downloaded the free version, wrestled with a few tutorials and then stumbled through as best I could. I must have spent about 10 or 12 hours producing this thing. And it's not even finished. I got to this stage and decided that it was too detailed, it doesn't convey the land features well enough. Theoretically I can return to it in the future, it's drawn in layers which can be deleted or modified, but it's been a few months and I have forgotten most of the knowledge I learned - use it or lose it indeed! I might just stick with traditional paper and paints for any future foolish ventures. Incidentally, the coastline is based on a real world location, but with a twist, which intrepid travellers may well recognise.

I could bore you with details of the seven races with which I populated this land, but that would make the post foolishly long and tedious ............


  1. I spent so many hours as a lad drawing maps or copying maps loved it!

  2. Reminds me of an older White Dwarf with a Warhammer campaign set in an alternate setting (not the Old World, but same style).

    I also recall maps of Albion printed too, during the Shadows of Albion worldwide campaign. This reminds me fondly of those days!

  3. I've been thinking of fantasy maps recently...inspired by another blogger who mentioned a book called How to Draw Fantasy Art and RPG Maps by Jared Blando. It's inspirational stuff.

  4. I for one would love to hear more of your world. Love worldbuilding and fantasy worlds.
