Monday, 22 February 2016

Slayers WIP

I think I slightly surprised myself this weekend. Sorting through my dwarfs to decide what to paint next, I came across a motley selection of slayers. I have always loved the fluff for them, but found the models a little lacklustre. However, when I took a closer look at these figures (and stripped away the garish orange paint - the joys of ebay!) I decided there was plenty of potential. I originally had six in the unit, as that's a good number to use in Dragon Rampant, but then decided another two would be good for games of Saga. That's where the plastic dragon head comes in. It was originally intended as an elaborate base for the Blood Bowl figure, but now it's a useful unit filler.

My ideal slayer sculpt would look like these shown below, various artworks collected from around the web, but what can you do? At least I can learn from the palettes.


  1. I'll be watching this thread for sure!
    For my Slayers are the essence of oldschool Warhammer, which dragged me into the hobby.
    Can't wait to see those done!

  2. Dwarfs! Not dwarves! You can never have too many dwarfs.

  3. I think the Avatars of War plastic beserkers/slayers capture the spirit of those images very well indeed, down to the (very fiddly) nipple rings. But mainly for the air they have of broad-shouldered, thick armed, badly smelling, borderline psychotic belligerence.
