Monday, 29 February 2016

Ork Nobs WIP

I am gearing up for some serious painting sessions. These ork nobs were born from the couple of drubbings I have recently suffered in games of one-page-40K (battle reports here and here). I am hoping they will give me some options on the battelfield. There's ten here, from the Stormclaw and Black Reach boxsets, plus a few leftover resin bits from commission work. The bases are (I think) from Malifaux, the official bases were far too small for these hulking bruisers. Along with the recently built dwarf slayers, this gives me plenty of brushwork to get through in the next few weeks.


  1. The Orks have some fantastic models really wish I had time to play them!

  2. Yep, really enjoying working on them again after such a long break. You should maybe try one-page-40k, it's so much easier to play and gives a good game.
