Thursday, 31 December 2015

Chaos Lord of Khorne

Just in time for year end, the Chaos Lord of Khorne and his flesh hound. For some reason I kept putting off painting this mini, I think I overdosed on red and brass a little and could not face it. I did enjoy painting the hound in particular, but the rest seemed a chore. Still, it's good to strike it off the list.

Most of the time I will field this model in skirmish games, but it can be combined with the standard bearer and chosen warriors to represent a "unit of 12". Most of my chaos units are six wide, so it's good that this unit follows this format. Notice that there's a blank base in there, just to fill up a space.

That's my final unit of the Khorne Warband, for the time being at any rate. I may come back to it at some point as I still have marauders left over from the starter set, plus some hounds and bloodletters from years ago that I could add. But in the short term I want to get some games with the fully painted warband - Dragon Rampant, Fanticide and Fantastic Saga are all games I am looking forward to playing.


  1. Beautiful models, brilliant bases, and the way you've "jigsawed" them together is masterful! Sorry the process was a bit arduous, but the results speak for themselves.

    I'm halfway to buying the AoS starter set myself, just looking at these pics!

  2. Great looking guys. But whats that sixth warrior, standing at the back?

  3. Thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated. The sixth warrior is a metal champion of Khorne, with a plastic mace from the knights plastic box. He's a bit short and gets left behind by his bigger, more ornate comrades most of the time.
