Friday, 26 June 2015

Warhammer Fantasy Battle, 1983 - 2015 RIP

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us."


  1. It deserved the bullet between eyes quite a long time.
    Too bad tho.
    WFB was the game which TRULY dragged me into the wargaming.

  2. In gaming terms it was a dinosaur. Huge, old and doomed for extinction.

    Times change, and GW have to change with them. I hope they have success.

  3. I am sure I,ll still be playing sometime but I quite like the idea of fantasy skirmish.

  4. In some ways it may have come full circle for me; I started playing Realm of Chaos skirmish games using whatever miniatures we wanted.

  5. I bought every one of these boxsets, I won't be getting the new one. The aesthetic has just gone too far down the Warcraft/Privateer Press/Fisher Price route. Thirty years is a good run, I still think that if it had been better managed the game could have been reinvigorated, not blown up and re-invented as HordesHammer. I will certainly give the new rules a try, but they have never been hot on rules, so I don't hold out much hope.

  6. I agree with you, to a certain extent.

    The focus on massive blocks of infantry marching into each other, that 8th inteoduced ruined warhammer for me. And apprently for quite a few people, sonce they are radically altering game play/size and look.

  7. Time to revisit Phil Barker's HoTT 2.1 as the new Sigmar (WFB) rules are pathetic. A slap in the face for 20 years of playing WFB.

  8. Time to try something different. Have a look at the Shattered Crown:
