Thursday, 9 April 2015

Up in smoke

I have been playing a fair number of skirmish games recently, last night it was a return to Saga. Having played all the official scenarios several times over, I made up a quick and easy one of my own. Viking raiders had to penetrate the Anglo Dane defences and torch the village (they probably looted a few items too if they had any sense). It was a very simple affair, any unit by a hut and not in combat could attempt to burn it by activating and rolling a 4+. After fierce fighting, a pair of hirdmen (bottom left) managed to break through the defences and in the very last turn set the remaining two hovels alight. The whole village up in smoke! Victory to the vikings.

The game also gave me a chance to try out my new terrain. I still need to make up some boundaries (hedges or walls) and I think my battle mat needs some roads or muddy areas marked on it, to break up the expanses of green meadow land. Skirmish gaming is my thing at the moment, I am bouncing from Saga to Lion Rampant to Dux Britanniarum and back again. At some point I should write a comparison of the different systems.


  1. I'd be very interested in a comparison of the different games :0)

  2. Nice idea for a scenario. I'm very interested in Dark Age skirmish gaming, so I'd love to see a rule comparison too :-)

  3. I'd love to see a comparison. I'm currently trying to work out if it's worth investing in the extra gubbins that SAGA requires.

  4. Great looking game board... might have to steal the scenario ide :)
