Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Lion Statant

Statant : Standing 
The Lion Rampant retinue is progressing far more quickly than I had imagined it would. I somehow managed to get the second unit finished in less than a week. I have also assembled and started to paint the third unit, which is extra easy and small to boot, so will have that done in a jiffy. I have so far exceeded my target of a unit a month.

The only difficulty I have is deciding what to do for the last unit. I had carried out a little research to help me decide on the composition of my force, but all I really found out was that there are precious little records available and the ratio of billmen to archers varied across the country. So it's pretty much a best guess, which is probably more appropriate to a skirmish game like this one. I am leaning towards more billmen, as too many archers could prove a little tedious in game. I do also have the option of making a mixed unit, both bills and archers, so I may end up painting a mixture, with a few extras. That way, I could use them as a pure archer unit, a pure billmen unit, or a mixed unit. I would really like to have included some light cavalry, but they have not yet been released - I'm guessing they are being saved for a splash release at Salute?

Left to right : Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Sir William, Bill, etc

Bills form ranks

Hey Bill, you need a shave!


  1. Nice work there! Great pieces, to go with the great paint job as well!

  2. Very nice use of subdued colours.

  3. They have come out brilliantly. I love the subtle pallet which works really well!

  4. wow! They are really fine! I like your choice of colors! Not to many bright colors.

  5. Hey guys, thanks for all the feedback. I am finding these figures far more inspiring to paint than previous historicals, I might even be tempted to paint up a second retinue!
