Sunday, 20 July 2014

Return of the Vikings

The vikings are back! I have spent the past few weeks flitting from project to project, often painting with no real goal in mind, other than to ramble in the foothills of Mount Unpainted. But now I have a deadline - to paint these dozen vikings in the next couple of weeks. These are Drabant Miniatures figures and I rate them very highly, probably the nicest historical figures I own. With a start made on the clothing you can begin to realise why I like them, I reckon they will truly shine when the faces and shields are completed.

The reason for the deadline is two fold. I will be playing a few games with them on a specially arranged Saga day round at Matt's dungeon. We have also had a trial run of Dux Brittaniarum and will be playing a campaign at some stage. While the game is designed with Romana Brits versus Saxons, we didn't really see any problem in leaping forward a few centuries and playing Saxons versus Vikings. More painting and gaming viking action to come.......

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful looking figures, can't wait to see them finished!
