Sunday, 6 April 2014


Apologies if you are expecting some discussion of the 1980's ska revival band, creators of songs such as One Step Beyond, House of Fun and the classic Baggy Trousers. No, the madness I refer to is that which we sometimes undergo as we partake of our hobby. It's probably more obsession than madness, but then a blog post named after a perfume didn't quite have the same dramatic punch (though obviously it did have some aromatic advantages).

I know many players feel that some parts of the hobby are challenging, difficult or just plain tedious. Some complain of cleaning and assembling plastic figures, I have more of a dislike of metal preparation. I know that painting is a huge hurdle to many, for me it's the whole point. But occasionally there is a task to be performed that most muggles (i.e. non-hobby folk) would consider a little obsessive, even insane. That is what I have been doing today. Can you tell what it is from the picture?


  1. Cutting plasticard teeth to pimp out Orks?

  2. Solving SERIOUS nail problem? ;)

  3. Have you been making tiles for a building?

  4. We have a winner, myincubliss wins! Well done, and judging from your profile pic, no stranger to doing slightly mad things ;)

    1. Woohoo, what do I win? ;)

      In this hobby, a little madness is a good thing surely?

  5. You win the undying admiration and respect of your fellow hobbyists. What could top that?
