Wednesday, 5 March 2014

AOW Corrupters v GW Chaos Warriors

More corrupters assembled and photographed for your perusal. As you can see in this photo, they are a very characterful bunch. Based up for Warhammer like this they will make an impressive regiment. Note that I have not yet glued the figures to the bases, nor the heads in place. I need to get the whole regiment assembled before I can commit to final positions and head directions. With careful planning, they will rank up. This is most likely half a regiment, I tend to use chaos warriors 6 wide, 2 deep.

This photo shows the corrupters alongside some chaos warriors that I converted to carry great weapons. The base height I have tried to equalise as best as I can by giving the corrupters a boost, to ensure an accurate comparison. As you can see, there is a slight scale difference, GW being a bit bigger in height and head size, though with more modest weaponry (partly down to my choice of bits for conversion). Mixing these components together would thus be a little challenging, though I will most likely give it a go at some stage. I like the bare head look on the corrupters and so will be scouring my bits box for suitable candidates.


  1. Nice comparison. Really like the look of the Corrupters but I do think it will look a little bit odd if mixed in with ordinary Chaos Warrios, atleast without some conversions.

    It's the same thing with AoW Berserkers and GW Slayers.

    Anyhow, looking forward seeing them painted :)

  2. Size and style would compel me to keep them in different regiments, but I will certainly include both in my army. The thought of Nurgle troops being slightly stunted works for me - and the difference is minimal, it's not like they are dwarfs and ogres.

  3. Now you've put a few together how is the fit ? you commented in the previous post about a slight fit issue. Have to say I'm not sold on the legs being such a solid piece of plastic.

  4. My previous comment stands, that you should try legs and bodies before you glue them to ensure they fit well - which is pretty much relevant to all plastic assembly really. The legs are good for me, and the fact that you can model them with a slight twist of the hips rather than all striding forward is a great advantage they have over the GW figures.
