Friday, 7 June 2013

RedBox Games Kickstarter

There are some pretty big Kickstarter projects around at the moment. I have been tempted by a few but managed to resist, mostly because I just don't have the time to keep starting new gaming sytems. For example, last year I spent some time painting up Battle of Five Armies forces, but managed just one game. Similarly, this year, I have painted enough figures for the first scenario of Sedition Wars, but have yet to try it out.

So where does the Redbox Games kickstarter fit in? I have always liked the figures but never been tempted before because they are small in scale (truer to 25mm) and are quite pricey. However, the kickstarter is offering some figures from the existing catalogue at very reasonable rates, along with new sculpts for the existing fan base. The scale appears to be very close to that used in Lord of the Rings, which I am enjoying at the moment. But mostly it's because I really like the dwarf range.

This set and the new modular dwarf warriors are most likely the figures I will choose. They are far less armoured than most dwarfs in the market and offer a slightly different take on the genre. I think they are just superb and hopefully the campaign will live up to the hype and deliver very soon after the end date (my experience with every other crowd funding project is that they are delayed, a month or two if you are lucky, much more in some cases). 

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