Saturday, 16 March 2013

A Brief Pause to Reflect on Exciting Times Ahead

It's time to take stock.

I have been drifting a little bit lately, wondering what to work on next  for my armies. There are a number of candidates vying for my hobby time. The recently purchased Daemons of Chaos book has proven to be an interesting read and I am hoping to get a game with them in the next couple of weeks. I have around 1200 points already painted and a few ideas on how to expand the army. I outlined my plans in a recent post and now that I have read the book I am pretty sure that I will be taking this project on. Most of my painted units are Tzeentch and Slaanesh so I will most likely continue in this vein. I am going to rebase the army, possibly taking the radical step of using elements (multibases) rather then single bases, but this needs a little bit more thought before I commit.

I have also been thinking about the direction to take with my Saga forces. The recently finished Saxon warband has proven a little disappointing. In gaming terms it really needs to be a horde. In aesthetic terms I have decided it's a little below par, but have been hesitant to spend on metal historical figures because most of those I find to be uninspiring. I have plans to re-use the Saxons as Anglo-Danes, as I find this battle board to be more varied and interesting to play. Scratching around for decent figures, I found this little snippet of news, that Gripping Beast are finally near to releasing some generic plastics for the game. I would guess they will be unveiled at Salute. About time too! Just when I had decided that I would probably go for a metal Jomsviking warband, with possibly some Rus figures for variety. Maybe I will do both.

There's lots of new figures and games floating around the internet, sometimes it's hard to keep up with what's going on. Westwind Productions have a kickstarter underway for a range of steampunk/Victorian gothic gaming. If Sherlock Holmes, Dracula, Wolfman, Ripper Street, or League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is your thing, then it's well worth a look. There's also a ruleset about to be released by Osprey gaming in a similar vein, with accompanying figures. A project for a little later in the year maybe.

Another little gem cropped up just today. Only last night I was wishing there was a War of the Worlds style game, based on the original HG Wells vision, when All Is Quiet on the Martian Front appeared in the blogosphere. It seems that we gamers only have to wish for a game and it will appear on kickstarter! Definitely one to watch, for me at any rate. World War I tanks, tripods, aliens and death rays, all in 15mm, a scale I have coveted for quite some time. Hopefully the kickstarter, when it launches, will live up to my dreams. If not, I'm sure something else will come along. There just isn't enough hours in a day to indulge in all this hobby goodness.

If none of this appeals to you, just do what I did - close your eyes, make a wish, and head to kickstarter.

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