Monday, 29 October 2012

Monthly Mini Porn Issue 10

When I started this little series, I had no idea it would last this long. Issue 10 here already, I feel like it should be a special event of some kind, but in the end I decided to avoid gimmicks and just show more of the minis I would love to own. These are all "boutique" minis in my eyes, superlative examples by just two sculptors. 

Thunderbolt Mountain minis is the home of the sculptor Tom Meier. These elves and goblins capture a beautiful aesthetic that is sadly missing from so many other ranges.

As a fan of the art of Arthur Rackham, I have been watching the output of Mannikin Studios with great interest. These two sculpts are by Jody Siegel. 

By the same sculptor are these rather fine goblins, available at Imbrian Arts

I can't imagine using these figures in a wargame, they are such fine sculpts that they demand to be painted to the highest display standard. Maybe one day I will try to do them justice..........


  1. Nice finds there! Especially the last batch there.. the models have a very unique look to them! Will have to keep an eye out for them in the future when time permits such rarities!

  2. I really enjoy this feature. Thanks for sharing your research with us and bringing these works of art to light! Looking forward to more installments.
