Sunday, 30 September 2012

Monthly Mini Porn Issue 9

I am primarily a fantasy and historicals fan, but over the summer months I have been looking around at sci-fi minis. I wanted to find more figures I might be able to use in the upcoming Studio McVey Sedition Wars game, but I was also inspired by a trio of summer films: Prometheus, Total Recall and Dredd. A common thread among this little lot, if one exists, is that they are "hard-fi" rather than space opera - human centric rather than bugs and aliens. 

The now-defunct AT-43 was a game system released by Rackham, the figures coming pre-painted. It completely slipped under my rader a few years ago, I wonder why it never took off, some of the figures are stunning? 

Antenocitis Workshop make a growing range of modern combat/near future figures and vehicles and scenery that are well worth checking out. 


In a similar style is this limited edition recent release by Studio McVey.

Dreamforge Games have recently run a successful kickstarter campaign (well, these days, who hasn't!) and are working on some Eisenkern stormtroopers. 

If you need some slightly bigger boots on the ground, mantic are releasing some tasty looking enforcers in the near future, in a galaxy not too far away!

That's it for this sci-fi issue. When my copy of Sedition Wars arrives I will have dozens of figures to paint up, but it's always nice to dream about how it could develop. 

1 comment:

  1. wow. That alien plant holding the poor lady (or vice versa) is something I could wish Santa to give me... These miniature suggestions are fun to read and you've given me a bunch of ideas where to put all my money! Heh!
