Saturday 30 June 2012

Monthly Mini Porn Issue 6

This month we get back to normal service, looking at a variety of minis available from some of the lesser known manufacturers, with a return to the classic fantasy staples of elves, orcs and undead. 

The Russian Alternative is a new mini company from, er, Russia. These elves are very nice, but make sure you check out the website for a look at their chaos marauders too. A small range but very promising, they just need a major distributor to step in and help them.

These Wargames Factory orcs are a nice change from the usual cartoon grinning gorillas. 

Would you like some giant bipedal snapping maws for your orc and goblin army? Have a look at these, from Raccolor Art.

Undead gamers have a good choice of alternatives when it comes to character models. I have featured Enigma Miniatures before, but their range is so good that I keep going back to them. Here are a pair of figures that would make lovely wight kings.

And finally, if it's wraiths you seek, then check out these from Otherworld Miniatures. They also make some of the finest skeletons in the business, if you don't mind the expense of metal figures.

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