Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Monthly Mini Porn Issue 5

This month's issue is dedicated to just one manufacturer. These figures have been wowing me for the past few weeks, since they were unveiled at the Salute show in London. They are from a new company called Hawk Wargames, designed for an upcoming 10mm sc-fi game called Dropzone Commander. 

There are four factions, these are sample vehicles from the United Colonies of Mankind. I am getting a real Thunderbirds vibe from these figures!

The next race is the Post-Human Republic, presumably an offshoot/progression from the humans. The angular lines are gone and replaced by smooth curves. Now I am thinking Captain Scarlett!

The Scourge are an alien race, presumably with a name like that they are the bad guys. There's a real nice organic/sea creature feel to these models. Is the designer a Gerry Anderson fan I wonder, this being a nod to Stingray?

Finally there's the mysterious Shaltari Tribes. An insectoid race of aliens? 

Remember, these are 10mm scale. The level of detail is astonishing. And they have been designed to actually fit together if you want them to, like this picture shows. Quite incredible!

If you want to see all the pictures released to date then visit the Hawk Wargames facebook page. I am eagerly awaiting more details on the game, prices and the like. This is one set of mini porn that I reckon will be impossible for me to resist. My main difficulty is choosing a faction, they all have different appeals. 


  1. I've noticed these over the past few weeks as well, and they are very impressive! Definitely agree with the difficulty of choosing a faction!

  2. Day-am these are some very fine models, I can't believe they were 10mm scale?

    I have heaps of people say this is the next big thing but hadn't bothered looking into it at all was a bit "meh" but now those models are awesome and I can finally scratch my micro modelling itch (Spartan Games et al doesn't really resound with me)
