Sunday, 26 February 2012

Monthly Mini Porn Issue 2

Most of the minis for this issue I have found while looking around for alternative Vampire Counts character models. They are not all of the pointy toothed variety, sometimes while looking for a vampire I happen across a completely unrelated figure which catches my eye.

Here's a couple of figures from Reaper, one an obvious vampire contender and another which just struck me as a bit different (and which could theoretically be a vampire I guess).


Here's a pair of wizards by Darksword Miniatures, not really suitable as necromancers but I did think they made a mighty fine pair of wizards, in a classic Gandalf/Saruman style.  


If you are a fan of old school goblins, then this hobbyist site will be of interest. Crooked Claw offers a small number of the little green fellas, ideal for a warband or dungeon clan.

And finally I have spent a good deal of time looking at the Studio McVey site this past few days. There is a reason for this, which will become clearer in the next few weeks, but for now here is a trio of lovely models I would love to paint. 


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