Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Monthly Mini Porn Issue 1

Welcome to this new section of the blog. I spend an unhealthy amount of time browsing mini-related sites on the web. I get to see lots and lots of shiney new toys that I know I will probably never own, because I don't have enough money or time to spend on them. And so they tend to fade away, lost and forgotten. This little corner of the blog will summarise the minis I have been admiring in the past few weeks. Then, one day, if I win the lottery*, I can read back through my mini porn collection and buy them all. 

Forgeworld released not one, but two sets of minis that really caught my eye this month. The Fimir transported me back to my early days in playing Warhammer. I think they would make very nice one-eyed ogres in my chaos army, maybe as part of my growing collection of monsters (ogres, dragon ogres, trolls, etc). Alternatively, they would be lovely models to paint on scenic bases, imagine them wading through a swamp with a few celtic scenery elements.

They followed this up with an astounding set of chaos dwarf characters. I once owned a chaos dwarf army which I sold a few years ago. Recently I have really regretted it, so maybe getting a set of these models and painting them would help to fill the void.

Continuing the short, stout, bearded theme, check out these World War 1 Russian dwarfs. They are a hobby project by Akula's Armies. Have a look at his blog for more of the same. Lovely stuff. 

From 20mm marvels to 54mm finery. I have a growing desire to paint a bigger model, but the choices out there are vast. Just this month Andrea Miniatures announced two figures that really caught my attention. 

Finally, I have been looking at vampire character minis, particularly alternatives to the GW female figures. If you like your vampires to be a bit more "lithe" then there are plenty to choose from, but this Guild of Harmony blood priestess caught my eye as contender for queen bee. 

That's it for the first issue. These are the figures that have really caught my attention in the past month. I might never own them, but at least now I can refer back to them whenever the fancy takes me. 

*highly unlikely as I never buy lottery tickets!


  1. Really interested in your new section - web window shopping is also a part of my miniature hobby.

    For me, warploque miniatures' trolls are next in line and I would also love to have the Carmine Dragon from Forgeworld.. the same problem as you: not enough money or time.

  2. I love the Vampire alt! I too have been hunting for anything other than GW miniatures to fill the role!
    Cheers, thanks for finding something new for me!!

  3. I'd just like to add that I think this is a great idea.
