Tuesday, 27 September 2011

More pics from the past

Here's a picture of one of my favourite regiments. It's from an Undead army I painted about ten years ago, I can't remember exactly when it was done. It's part of an army that I eventually sold to a gamer in America. The pictures I found on the Vampire Counts forum, I had long ago thought they were lost forever.

The idea for the regiment came from the GW regiments of renown. They released the Cursed Company, which included a few non-human skeletons: a dwarf, a skaven, a lizard, and orc I think. I added some old metal armoured skeletons and built a few other plastic dwarf skeletons. There's even a couple of non-GW figures in there somehwere. The regiment is long gone, but I did keep hold of a few minis as a souvenir of the army. I might even be able to include them in my new army, though it's doubtful as stylistically they are very different to the current build.

The army included three regiment of skeletons, including this unit with nifty wooden shields. I had used the army in tournaments and it had been "spotted" by some GW bods. Consequently, I was invited to the HQ in Nottingham and had the army photographed. However, some of the components, these shields included, were not GW made and so ultimately they did not print the photos. I seem to recall sitting in the studio reading the new Tomb Kings book before it was released, while the photographer got all the shots that were never to be published.

The third and final regiment of skeletons I had built from the old single pose plastic high elf spearmen and spare skeleton bits. I don't have a photo of the full regiment, just a single rank, but it gives a rough idea of how the unit must have looked. I think in total there were about 60 or 70 skeletons in the army, spread across the three regiments. Certainly more than those in my first army, which was a single regiment of 30 skeletons, reflecting the growing size of armies as newer editions of the game were released. None more so than the current version of the game, which really encourages large blocks of infantry. I will probably aim for two skeleton regiments in my new army, of about 25 - 35 models each. It's never easy giving exact sizes when planning a Vampire Counts army, magic tends to inflate regiments almost as quickly as enemy units decimate them!


  1. I do believe I might have been the one to post these up onto the VC forum. Truly excellent units, my favourite is the unit stuffed full of non-human undead. Your metals on these unit are tremendous. I see a Chronopia undead dwarf in there too, among other classic oldies.

  2. I guess you picked up these from my old website? I lost all the pictures when my old computer died. So I was really happy when I came across these.

  3. I try to make sure I load every shot I take up onto Photobucket, that way I am fairly sure I won't lose them. I have had far to many computers blow up on me in the past.

    It is just a pity I wasn't more organised before. Finding some of the oldies can be hard!

  4. So do I now, but it's surprising how primitive it all was just 10 years ago. I don't think Photobucket was around then. These days I also backup to a laptop and a hard drive, it's easier and more affordable to keep copies in the modern scheme of things.

  5. I honestly can't remember where I got them. I keep a folder of pics of impressive units and such, the pics had been there an age.
