Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Berserkers and an engineer

I have finished putting together the dwarf berserkers. Most of them are assembled straight from the box as slayers, but for the last one I wanted to try something a little different. So here he is, a very simple conversion that I think makes a reasonable engineer. The bits used are a combination of the AOW boxset and some GW dwarf bits. He has a pistol in his left hand and a handgun in his right, not strictly game legal but I just wanted to see how the components went together.

The majority of the box are made up as a unit of 21 slayers, deployed 7 x 3. There are actually just 19 in the unit but it's pretty simple to stick 3 on a 40mm base and sneak it into battle! In their debut game the slayers faced chaos warriors. Though they were keen to get to grips with the dragon ogres or giant, they ended up fighting Khorne warriors. I feared for the shaven ones, but they managed to hold their own, admittedly partly due to some woeful dice on the chaos side of the table. Still, a unit of Khorne warriors was a very impressive first scalp, though I think they got a bit carried away when they charged a unit of Chosen. They did manage to take down about half the unit before finally returning to their ancestors. Now I just have to paint them all.


  1. Can't wait to see them painted up!

  2. He looks better than my attempt with a citadel plastic body: http://subjecttostupidity.blogspot.com/2011/06/friday-showcase-engineer_24.html

    I would have given him a tool rather than a rifle though in the right hand just to emphasise the engineer aspect. I am not sure whats on his back though so that could be a tool?

  3. Funny how we both went for the bald head look, all engineers must have their hair burnt off at a young age! I did think of a tool (it's an axe on his back), but I couldn't find one in among my bits, so went for the gun instead.
