Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Grotesque WIP

I am tinkering on a number of projects at the moment, one of which is the grotesque I featured a couple of weeks ago. This picture shows the progress so far. The skin is being built up using multiple glazes of thinned paints. The colour at the moment is a bit too rotten/green, I intend to make some of it look a bit more healthy, which should (bizarrely) enhance the diseased look of the model. I want him to look afflicted, not undead. The base is a temporary holder and will be rebuilt and landscaped in some way.

I have also started to build a regiment of beastmen gors. I have had these in my collection for many years, some of them were bought back in the days when the chaos army list covered men, beasts and daemons, some are the newer versions. Inspired by historical gamers, I am trying out a slightly different basing technique. In gaming terms I will use them in friendly games as part of my chaos warriors army, longer term I have enough models to build a complete army. I can't quite settle into a groove on my painting at the moment, so expect more random updates in the next few weeks.


  1. That's looking great, fantastic mini. I hear rumours of a new flesh golem unit for the vampire counts, he'd fit the bell nicely.

  2. He certainly would, though I'm not that convinced on adding something like that to the VC army list, it kind of dilutes the gothic/wolf/bat thing they have currently. Unless it turns out to be a werewolf type thing, that would be nice.

  3. Great looking paint scheme. Show more pics of him. Its very good looking.

  4. Did a bit more work on him today, will get decent pics up when he is finished.
