Friday, 12 March 2010

Boar Boyz

After fielding the orcs and goblins in a recent game, I realised that I had never got round to assembling boar boyz. I picked up some metal figures on ebay maybe a year ago, which I stripped this week. Add in a few plastic bits and the job was easier than I expected - I spent just a couple of hours bashing these together. Not sure why I waited so long, I guess there's always something else to spend hobby time on. I love the guy with the banner, with his hook for a hand. The boss has a trophy rack, just in case you are trying to make out the silver blob in the centre of the picture!


  1. Brilliant, fantasy orcs! Looking forward to seeing these painted up. Did you read the announcement that GW will be releasing plastic boar boyz in May?

  2. Yes I did notice that. So I was in two minds about bashing these together or just throwing them back on ebay. There is a chance that I will hate the new boar boyz, but that's unlikely as most of the GW ork models have been really nice recently, and I suspect that the same sculptor will be involved. In that case, I will just have to console myself in the knowledge that I have a unique unit!
