Sunday, 30 January 2022

Orc champion

I painted up an old orc champion, originally released around 1992 when I started playing WHFB. The shield design was hand painted. I have found that orange is the best colour to use as a contrast on green skinned orcs. I tried a square base on this one, but really I much prefer round, two pence coins in fact are my go to base of choice.

More green skins to come maybe in the next few weeks and months, if I can find the time.

Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Prize Draw - Win a Painted Figure

 The fine folks over at Mierce Miniatures are helping out with the Philippines disaster relief fund. You could win a painted figure just like one of these, or choose your own from their vast, wonderful range. All you have to do is make a donation on the gofundme page, then email them to let them know of your entry. The draw will be made on Monday, 10th January. Every donation makes a huge difference on the ground, so please give it some thought. And please share the news about the draw as far and wide as you can. Thank you.

Oh yeah, and Happy New Year to you all, it’s a bit late I know, sorry about that, I have been a little pre-occupied of late.