Monday, 23 April 2018

Shadespire : Magore's Fiends

Regular readers will know that I have a small collection of Khorne Chaos Warriors, mostly plastics from the newer Age of Sigmar range. The latest set of the red armoured, axe wielding maniacs is designed for the skirmish game, Shadespire - and that's how these are shown here. Straight from the box I have painted them for ebay. If you know of anybody who might be interested, please share the link to the auction.

The figures would also make a nice addition to my square based force. The three chaos warriors should slot in easily - though ranking up would probably be an interesting challenge. The bare headed figure makes a nice change, good to see the crazed warrior under the mask. The hound could well be a useful filler figure or possibly added to a cavalry unit. It would be nice to think that at some stage we will see a plastic set of the hounds released. Having just sweated over the intricacies of the painting of this set, I won't be adding it to my collection too soon, but certainly may do so at a future date, maybe in the winter when it seems more appropriate to paint my snow based army.

If you crave more images, there are many more photos on my facebook page - Nord's Painting Saga.

Monday, 9 April 2018

Viking Bondi WIP

Over the weekend I built some more of the wonderful V&V miniatures. For me, these are the absolute best historical miniatures available on the market. They are so well proportioned with really fine details, top notch sculpting and casting, really easy to clean up. Assembly is generally straight forward, with lugs and sockets on all the joins making it idiot proof. I did have some difficulties with the spears and replaced a couple with metal rods. I also swapped out the supplied resin bases for my usual two pence coins - they add a little heft and stability to the model, and are magnetic. I cannot wait to get them painted, they are just so nice!

Saturday, 7 April 2018

Berserker Brace

What could be more scary than a viking berserker rushing headlong toward you with a huge axe? Two of them, of course.

These are V&V figures. I have previously reviewed them on my blog, but it's worth repeating that they are rather splendid. If you like your soldiers to be realistically proportioned and finely detailed, then check out the V&V website.

I wanted a nice little project to tinker with over the Easter weekend and turned to four bereskers I had already assembled. I concentrated my efforts on these two - the other two have shields and I have not yet worked out what to do with those.

The topless warrior wielding two axes is particularly imposing and I added some simple tattoo effects on his skin. They are not designs as such, just random squiggles to suggest intricate inking. He also has a Thor's hammer necklace which I though was a nice touch. The skin is very pale and the bases are sparse and cold looking, to reflect their northern European roots.

With a little luck I will soon get the other two berserkers painted, then there will be four ready to charge into action in Saga games. I have never used them before, it will be interesting to see if I can keep them alive long enough to smash them into the enemy. No doubt the opposition will be very keen to loose their bolts and arrows at the idiot who came to battle with no shirt on.